UP - Work BLOG

PHOTOGRAPHY - Farm, Icelandic Lamb

The FARM gallery here was created by Upstate Pictures for Icelandic Lamb while producing their media library. It was shot in conjunction with a larger production where we visited sheep farms in throughout Iceland. These productions included on-camera interviews, B-roll and digital still photography.

Read more: PHOTOGRAPHY - Farm, Icelandic Lamb

PRINT - Regional Ads, OLD Daley Catering

We were feeling a little nostalgic recently. It'll be five years this season since Winter Dining began at the historic Crooked Lake House in Upstate New York. Winter Dining is basically a pop-up restaurant hosted by Old Daley Catering. It's an 8-10 week run offering gourmet comfort food to locals, regional skiers and winter travelers in Capital District of New York.

Read more: PRINT - Regional Ads, OLD Daley Catering

PHOTOGRAPHY - Food, Icelandic Lamb

Beyond any doubt, digital photography is the most cost effective content being produced for any business. The range for usage covers the digital spectrum from one end to the other. When done well, every picture can tell a story while conveying a desire for your product.

Read more: PHOTOGRAPHY - Food-pt.01 Wild Icelandic Lamb

Ying and Yang

 ying yang

Odd choice for a first blog item, but I love the simplicity of it.

The Ying & The Yang in motion.